Day 3 Zoom-In

Close up photograph of the ASA setting on a manual film camera

Zooming in is probably the most fun photograph I could take. In just one room of the house I can find hundreds of little details to crop in and focus on. I zoomed in on the ASA setting my old faithful trusty Pentax K1000 with a different digital camera. I am currently working on shooting a roll of 3200 black & white film. In this digital age of being able to see your photos instantly so many will never know the wonderful excitement film photography can provide. First you have to shoot a whole roll of film because you never want to waste a single shot that could be your next masterpiece. Then if you send it in some where you have the long agonizing wait to get your photos back so see what turned out. If you are truly lucky like I was you get the opportunity to process and print your own photos in a darkroom. The anxiety of cracking open a film container in complete darkness and by feel only rolling the film on a reel to process it by hand. Then comes the defining moment in the light when you open up the canister to reveal either success or failure. Holding the wet negatives up above your head in the light and seeing little opposite images. Even better is when you make your prints and you watch your photograph come to life in a tray of developer right in front of your eyes. It appears like a magic trick and is truly exhilarating…..but what do I know i’m just the girl who is always hiding behind a camera hoping no one will notice me like I notice everything else.

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