Gonna Get your Goat!

I decided to look up the origin of the phrase “Get your Goat”. It is something i have heard all my life and knew it meant to annoy or anger someone but how did it start? The expression comes from a tradition in horse racing. The night before a race they would place a goat in the stall with high-stung thoroughbreds. It was believed to have a calming effect on on the horses. If someone wanted a horse to race poorly they would remove the goat to unsettle the horse, hence “got your goat”.

I have to say that goats are wonderful creatures. They have great fun personalities. Spending time in the field with them was rather calming so I can see how the thought of placing them with a racehorse would calm them.

Sunbeam Sleep

Brown and white dog sleeping in a sunbeam
Brown and white dog sleeping in a sunbeam
Brown and white dog sleeping in a sunbeam

After dreary fog I needed to warm things up with some sunshine. Is there anything better then a mid-morning nap in some warm sunshine? Blossom doesn’t think so…..well unless there is meat involved like chicken or beef or pork or……

Day 67 Opposites

Meerkat looking left
Meerkat looking right

Is this to literal for you? First the Meerkat is looking left then he is looking right which happens to be the opposite way.

Day 63 Next to you

orangutan sitting by glass watching people watching him through the glass.

I took a few liberties with this title. The orangutan isn’t next to me because there was to much of a crowd to get up to the glass. What I do find interesting is who is watching whom here? The orangutan is just hanging out not doing much. Does that make us more the more interesting ones behind the glass to watch? What a crazy species to observe………humans that is.

Day 58 Comfort

Tan dog wrapped up in a blanket

So it is another dog photo I know…….but when it comes to comfort he has it down to an art. Maybe that is why he is always stealing my seat every time I get up.

Day 52 Kids

Four baby goats in a barn

Kids, cute little kids. If you didn’t know baby goats are called kids. I lucked out since I have a friend with a farm and lots of little baby goats running around. They are adorable and I even got to feed one.

Day 26 Friends

Tan Cavalier/Cocker Spaniel laying in bright sun holding a stuffed brown dog toy

Friends are what you make of the. They don’t have to speak the same language, or even be human. Butters is my loyal friend and he is snuggled up with his friend brown dog. I can’t say I know what he named his brown dog because we don’t happen to speak the same language very often.

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