3 photos all in black and white showing empty shelves in a grocery store.

On March 11th 2020 the Coronavirus met the standards by the CDC to officially be declared a PANDEMIC. I admit I am a little concerned about catching it since I work a job that is in the health care field and we are not closing our doors. People are depending on us and my job isn’t quite possible to be able to work from home. I like a lot of others out there have to suck it up and do our best to be diligent about taking all the measures we can to not get it. What scares me more then getting the virus is ignorant panic. I’m not going to fault anyone from stocking up a little extra but there is stocking up and there is down right hording. So much for caring for our fellow man/woman and it is everyone for themselves. I was doing alright until I walked up and down all the isles and saw very little left to purchase. My anxiety level has skyrocketed but no panic attack yet. Be safe out there everyone and don’t forget about your humanity.


Bright sun shining on the inside of a grandmother clock with the pendulum and weights.

Well if anyone out there is still checking this I am sorry for the long delay between postings. At the end of 2019 work was quite busy and I got lazy. Time can slip away so fast and before you know it I have lost 4 months. I learned that no matter how much I like the idea of a picture every day it is just to structured for me. I ended up caring less when i was trying to hard to take a photo of a specific topic. I have never been good at that even in art school. I tend to be more of a opportunist photographer. My new plan is weekly updates with more effort & thought, stuff I can be proud of.

Day 241 Morning

A ceiling with a skylight and the sun is just starting to shine in.

It is now morning and the sun is starting to shine in the skylight. Wonder if I should get up and face the day head on or go back to bed for a few more hours…….Zzzzzzzzzzzz

Day 232 Arches

A long walkway with arch topped openings along the left side the distance of the walkway with sunlight shining in.

I have been using up old film I have had sitting in a closet for at least 15 years now. This was a roll of Infrared film I was using up and as you can see it was fogged and to old to still be good. The interesting part about this one is I didn’t mark this roll as having been started and taken out of the camera. This photo was taken 15-20 years ago and sitting there the whole time. I had a couple others show up on this roll I still might share but there are defiantly a lot of arches in this photo.

Day 221 Bridge

A covered bridge over a river

A covered Bridge in covered country in central IN. Unfortunately my lens broke a little and left a blurry spot in the center of the photo. I thought it felt weird when I was trying to focus and the photos proved me right.

Day 132 Mother

Women in kitchen making lunch

There is nothing like your mothers cooking……..unless your mom can’t cook. Lucky for me I don’t have that problem, even the dog knows where the good stuff is at.

Day 54 Your Neighborhood

Light post and tree with street and houses in background

My neighborhood is much like a lot of other neighborhoods you have probably driven through. A nice quiet subdivision with nice quaint (that means small but not tiny) houses that mostly all look the same. Thanks to a lovely housing association there are limited colors you can put on the outside of your house and don’t let your grass grow over 6 inches high. On the upside to that my neighbors can’t paint their house any crazy colors either so it is all fair in the end. Nothing against my neighbors, but there is one house that I feel like if they could it would be a rather vibrant color otherwise.

Day 12 Sunrise

black and white of dog sleeping on floor in a sunbeam with toys around him

If you are wondering where the picture of the sunrise is……well keep wondering. Between sleeping in and snow and overcast conditions it wasn’t worth it. I will update as soon as I manage to get a sunrise. In the mean time enjoy a puppy sleeping in the warm morning sunshine.

Day 9 Stairs

view of stairs from the bottom looking up

Do you ever look at a set of stairs and wonder where they go? Whats up at the top awaiting me to find? There is only one way to answer that and that is to climb the stairs and see. One……..Two………Three……..Four……….ugh…… there are too many stairs, maybe I will look for an elevator instead.

Day 6 Dark

Black & White close up of light up washing machine power button and dial in dark room

Dark is the absence of light so how do I photograph dark without light? I would end up with a solid black rectangle. I tried many different lights from a candle to a night light. I ended up liking the look of the washing machine power button and dial in the dark. It has a UFO landing kind of glow to it. It is a good thing I know this is a washing machine or I might have to say that this is actually a weather balloon collecting atmospheric data.

© 2019 - BECKY365