Day 293 Favorite soup/stew

Ham and Bean soup

This is ham and bean soup with barley and some other vegetables added. As far as favorite goes it depends on the day. I can eat soup and stew every day and usually don’t have any recipes. I just add whatever I have or feel like in a pot cook and season to taste just like grandma made.

Day 275 Nuts

A jar of mixed nut trail mix,

Walnuts, peons, almonds, Brazil nuts, hazel nuts, pistachios, cashews & peanuts are all wonderful. To all the buts I forgot to mention don’t feel left out because your just as tasty just not as well known.

Day 263 Craving

close up of a monster cookie

MONSTER COOKIE!!! If you don’t know what that is it is everything wonderful. M&M’s, oatmeal, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips…and probably some other stuff but it’s very good.

Day 248 Bottles

Shelves in store stocked with bottles of beer.

Fifty-Two bottles of beer on the shelf, 52 bottles of beer……take one off and drink it down………51 bottles of beer on the shelf.

Day 229 Noodles

Close up of grey colored noodles with black spots

These noodles are made with black beans instead of flour. That is why they look the way they do, but are a tasty alternative with added protein and other good stuff.

Day 180 Full

A glass of beer

My cup is full of Sun King Brewtron 9000. This is a limited edition flavor brewed for Gencon 2019. It was a nice light tart flavor and soon my full cup became empty.

Day 173 Summer

Steaks cooking on a grill

Summer to me means grilling out every kind of meat you can put on a grill. In this case some tasty steaks.

Day 158 Donuts

Paper plate with glazed donuts from a store called Peachy's

Peachy’s is an Amish market in Rockville IN. They have some of the best bread and donuts that are worth the drive for. It looks like they got a little warm on the drive home, better hurry up and eat them up.

Day 151 Liquid

Beer in a tall beer glass with plate of steak and potato

What goes better with an ice cold beer then a big steak and baked potato. Maybe it is what goes better with a big steak and baked potato then an ice cold beer in a frosted glass. Either way it was darn tasty.

Day 148 Hamburger

Hamburger with pickles cheese and mayo with a salad on the side

Burgers are one of those foods I can eat anywhere any time. There are so many different topping choices to choose from it is hard to go wrong.

Day 103 Refreshing

2 bottles of SOYLENT a ready-to-drink meal.

Maybe refreshing isn’t the right word for this. If your not familiar with the Charlton Heston movie “Soylent Green” I suggest you look it up for it’s one famous line in the whole movie. I can’t say I will be trying this drink anytime soon since I know what Soylent green is made from.

Day 68 Healthy

Shrimp taco with corn salsa and a beer

If you have ever eaten at a Big Woods restaurant then you already know that everything on the menu is delicious. You are looking at a Gochujang BBQ grilled shrimp taco. It has watermelon radish, avocado, sriracha sour cream, Napa cabbage and micro cilantro. On the side is a jalapeno corn salsa and a six foot blond beer by Quaff On. Eating out can be hard to find “healthy” options. I don’t know about the calorie count on this but it sure made my mouth and belly happy.

Day 66 Cereal

Honey Grahams and Raisin Bran cereal on a bowl with the cereal boxes behind

When the first box is empty but not enough to fill the bowl do you eat one cereal then refill it with a second cereal? I went half and half and saved myself the effort of getting up for the rest of a bowl of cereal. Another way of looking at this is you have your fun cereal on the left and your healthy adult cereal on the right.

Day 57 Potato

old potato's that have sprouted and are growing

When potato’s go bad. Mr. Potato Head was tired of being bald and tried to grow hair, he should have went to the hair clinic instead.

Day 50 Fresh

fresh brown eggs stacked in a bowl

Farm fresh eggs straight from the chicken’s…………um well, straight from the chicken. They made a delicious omelette for dinner.

Day 30 Oranges

Wire basket full of oranges

Yummy Navel oranges. Here is a question for you why are they called navel oranges? They are to big to fit in a navel (not that I have tried). Since everything is found on the internet these days I decided to look it up. It turns out that they are named for the navel-like spot that is found on the blossom end of the fruit. I might have to check the next one for navel lint before i peal it.

Day 23 Favorite Pie

two fresh baked pizzas on cutting boards

Peach pie, cherry pie, strawberry pie, strawberry rhubarb pie, apple pie with crust top, apple pie with crumbly top, blueberry pie, sugar cream pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, pudding pie, french silk pie, peanut butter pie, veggie pie, chicken pot pie, and pizza pie. I know I have left some out but really for me it is just to hard to choose a favorite. Pie should be its own food group and I like them all.

Day 19 Popcorn


Popcorn oh popcorn what a wonderful treat. You can be salty or you can be sweet. I like to feel your special kind of crunch between my teeth. Popcorn oh popcorn you sure are neat.

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