Indiana Weather

Close up of small hail/ice pellets
Close up of small hail/ice pellets
Foggy highway with cars and roadsign
Foggy day with building and large flower sculpture
Foggy day with only trees and geese visible

There is a popular saying in Indiana. “If you don’t like the weather wait five minuets”. The day can start with fog, throw out some sleet or snow then the temperature rises and we end up with a warm sunshiny day. I personally think that fog is beautiful (unless I’m driving at night then it is just scary). A couple of the photos are hail a little smaller then a pea. The last photo is a picture of the building I work at. It is to bad that you can’t see it from the road, but the geese are a nice touch.

Day 234 Swing

A large tree on it's side propped up on stands and has child swings hanging from it.

I know it is hard to see but there are child swings hanging from the tree. This would be functional art. This can be found at Newfields hiding behind the Art museum in Indianapolis. If you have never been there it is a great place to go in a nice day to walk around. There is wonderful oversized art out in nature. I give it 2 thumbs up!

Day 233 Street Photography

Two photos: 1st is of a women walking with an umbrella down the street.  2nd is looking out a Dr. office window at the street below.

I was a bit torn on the title for this photo. Should I take a photo of a street or a photo on the street of street happenings. You get both then, neither of which I am happy with. I like the umbrella picture but again it was on a bad old roll of film. I do love the grainy quality of it and how soft it is. The other one id just passing the time waiting on the Dr. to show up, nothing special.

Day 232 Arches

A long walkway with arch topped openings along the left side the distance of the walkway with sunlight shining in.

I have been using up old film I have had sitting in a closet for at least 15 years now. This was a roll of Infrared film I was using up and as you can see it was fogged and to old to still be good. The interesting part about this one is I didn’t mark this roll as having been started and taken out of the camera. This photo was taken 15-20 years ago and sitting there the whole time. I had a couple others show up on this roll I still might share but there are defiantly a lot of arches in this photo.

Day 221 Bridge

A covered bridge over a river

A covered Bridge in covered country in central IN. Unfortunately my lens broke a little and left a blurry spot in the center of the photo. I thought it felt weird when I was trying to focus and the photos proved me right.

Day 203 Beauty

A Bee on a purple flower

I want to thank you Mr. Bee for pollinating all my pretty flowers and delicious fruits and vegetables that I love to eat. Most of all thank you for the delicious honey that sweetens my tea and makes me smile at how beautiful nature can be.

Day 174 Pink

A rose bush full of little pink roses

Pink it was love at first sight

I yell pink when I turn out the light, and

Pink gets me high as a kite

And I think everything is goin to be all right


Day 168 Macro Monday

Close up of a dried wasps nest

This is a close up of a dead wasp nest. If your an expert you can tell me i’m wrong that it is a bees nest. It was attached to the house when we moved in and I have chased away wasps many times before I finally managed to get this down. I’m going with the odds that it’s defiantly wasps……I can grantee that is the evil flying creature that insists on making it’s home on mine.

Day 149 Two Photos

Baby Dragonfly on flower

Today is two photos, one unedited which is the top one. I quickly snapped a picture on my cell phone while plant shopping. Didn’t know what the bug was until I looked it up later.

The second photo I cropped in to see the little guy better. I also adjusted the color and contrast to make it all pop.

Day 113 Rain

Rain on a windshield of a car with a blurry army truck on background.

I hate driving in the rain….good thing I was just the passenger. We passed an Army truck of some kind, they have some BIG wheels on them.

Day 91 Silly

Girl kissing a giant blue snail

I am sure there are much sillier things out there in this big big world. A girl kissing a giant blue snail looks a little silly to me.

Day 78 Poetry

Baseball field on  sunny day


You’ve got one life,

You’ve got one glove,

You’ve got one game,

You’ve got one love,

You’ve got one chance,

You’re just one man,

So play the this game as hard as you can.

Author unknown

Day 75 Garden

Giant pinwheel and flowers

I can’t figure out why garden would be a good choice for a March photo idea. Just to clarify the topics are not something I am choosing on my own but have a calendar with a different topic for each day. Gardens haven’t even been planted yet seeing as how it snowed yesterday gardens are all brown still with maybe some sprouts popping up. These are giant fake flowers and a giant pinwheel as part of a spring display at the Indianapolis zoo.

Day 74 Lines

Concrete with water stains and shadow lines across it

I like this as an abstract and almost want to leave it that way. I unfortunately am the type of person that will stare at this photo trying to figure out what it really is. If you are that person also then this is the concrete ceiling of a parking garage taken through the back window of a car. The lines are made from the heating strips in the car window that I shot through.

Day 73 Bokeh

Looking out the back of a car window, SUBARU is backwards and in focus everything behind it is blurry and out of focus

In photography, bokeh (Japanese [boke]) is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image.

Day 60 A Street

A road stretching out far in the distance

The long and winding road

That leads to your door

Will never disappear

I’ve seen that road before

It always leads me here

Lead me to you door


Day 59 Favorite Flower

Purple Hydrangea flower

I had to cheat on this photo since the flowers arn’t up yet. The Hydrangea is one of my favorite flowers. The flower petals all grow in a nice tight ball and is creates a beautiful texture. A neat fact about this flower is if you have one planted you can change the color of the flowers. By making the soil more acidic you will get blue or lavender flowers. Alkaline soil will turn blooms more pink in color. This flower was blue when i bought it but after planting it it changed because of my soil PH.

Day 54 Your Neighborhood

Light post and tree with street and houses in background

My neighborhood is much like a lot of other neighborhoods you have probably driven through. A nice quiet subdivision with nice quaint (that means small but not tiny) houses that mostly all look the same. Thanks to a lovely housing association there are limited colors you can put on the outside of your house and don’t let your grass grow over 6 inches high. On the upside to that my neighbors can’t paint their house any crazy colors either so it is all fair in the end. Nothing against my neighbors, but there is one house that I feel like if they could it would be a rather vibrant color otherwise.

Day 52 Kids

Four baby goats in a barn

Kids, cute little kids. If you didn’t know baby goats are called kids. I lucked out since I have a friend with a farm and lots of little baby goats running around. They are adorable and I even got to feed one.

Day 38 Clouds

sunny day clouds
foggy day with 2 trees showing in a white backdrop

Today I decided to make it 2 for the price of one. the top image was taken on a beautiful sunny day while waiting for an eclipse to happen. The bottom image is fog, which is what the entire week has looked like. Today it is raining so there are plenty of clouds but nothing good to see.

Day 31 A Beautiful Sight

Hoover damn lake and rocks in dark and light brown colors

This is taken at the Hoover damn last March. It is a beautiful sight with the different shades of brown and blue filling the photo. The water level was down a lot since the light rock had been covered with water at one point. The low water level is not a good thing for all people living in a desert but it is a beautiful sight of colors.

Day 11 Two Photos B&W/Color

black and white photo of snow on the side of a tree
color photo of snow on the side of a tree

I realize that the difference in these two photos is minimal at first glance. When I start to compare them the black and white one helps to show in the color photo just how many colors there are in the tree bark. There is pink and green tones and even a little yellow spot. The snow may be just white but in the color photo it has a more of a blue hue to it. The black and white photo has great contrast and texture. I love how the world can look so different from black and white to color. It is all a matter of how you choose to see it.

Day 4 Weather

Side of building with red neon lights around top

Taking a photograph of my local weather should be an easy task. I just worked a 12 hour day and missed all the beautiful sunlight. The temperature was in the upper 40’s and sunny and no winds so beautiful and calm for January 4th. It is now 9pm and i’m starving since i haven’t had dinner yet so I am waiting in an Arby’s drive through with the window down enjoying the night air. Since the weather is boring and uneventful today I give you drive through neon lights to brighten your night.

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