Day 106 Old

Prince Albert pipe tobacco canister

When I was a kid I learned from other kids on the block about making prank phone calls. This is before caller ID and you just dialed a number at random. There are a few standard ones like “excuse me but is your refrigerator running? Then catch it!” Another one that I didn’t understand as a kid was “Do you have Prince Albert in a can? Then let him out!” It makes so much sense if you know that it is a type of tobacco.

Day 104 Hobby

Glass cabinet full of old cameras.

One of my favorite hobbies is photography. I love going out for a day and shooting a lot of photos. If you look you can see my reflection of me taking the photo.

Day 103 Refreshing

2 bottles of SOYLENT a ready-to-drink meal.

Maybe refreshing isn’t the right word for this. If your not familiar with the Charlton Heston movie “Soylent Green” I suggest you look it up for it’s one famous line in the whole movie. I can’t say I will be trying this drink anytime soon since I know what Soylent green is made from.

Day 96 In my hand

Drinking glass from the 80's with Simon Bar Sinister pictured on it.

In my hand I hold a true evil genius from childhood. Simon Bar Sinister evil villain to Underdog and one of the best bad guy names.

Day 91 Silly

Girl kissing a giant blue snail

I am sure there are much sillier things out there in this big big world. A girl kissing a giant blue snail looks a little silly to me.

Day 89 Architecture

An exposed open air set of stairs inside a building

With all the architectural choices in a concrete world, I chose a staircase inside the School of Architecture building at Ball State University. It seemed like an appropriate choice to me.

Day 83 Music

Records and old time record player

For all you youngsters out there who don’t know what these are……they are Records. They are the original CD……wait you don’t know what a CD is? That’s right everything is digital these days…….I feel old.

Day 80 Culture

hand painted wooden Easter eggs on a table

Pisanki are the decorated Easter eggs in Poland. Interesting fact: The oldest decorated eggs discovered on Polish lands come from the 10th century. The ritual of “writing” on the eggs was preformed during times of fasting (Lent) before Easter. Women would prepare the eggs 3-4 weeks before Easter on Wydmuszki (emptied eggshells).

The most interesting part for me is we always had these eggs up at Easter and I knew them as Polish Easter eggs. I looked up some history about them to have proper information for the photo. In the process I learned stuff about my own culture that I hadn’t previously known.

Day 78 Poetry

Baseball field on  sunny day


You’ve got one life,

You’ve got one glove,

You’ve got one game,

You’ve got one love,

You’ve got one chance,

You’re just one man,

So play the this game as hard as you can.

Author unknown

Day 75 Garden

Giant pinwheel and flowers

I can’t figure out why garden would be a good choice for a March photo idea. Just to clarify the topics are not something I am choosing on my own but have a calendar with a different topic for each day. Gardens haven’t even been planted yet seeing as how it snowed yesterday gardens are all brown still with maybe some sprouts popping up. These are giant fake flowers and a giant pinwheel as part of a spring display at the Indianapolis zoo.

Day 74 Lines

Concrete with water stains and shadow lines across it

I like this as an abstract and almost want to leave it that way. I unfortunately am the type of person that will stare at this photo trying to figure out what it really is. If you are that person also then this is the concrete ceiling of a parking garage taken through the back window of a car. The lines are made from the heating strips in the car window that I shot through.

Day 73 Bokeh

Looking out the back of a car window, SUBARU is backwards and in focus everything behind it is blurry and out of focus

In photography, bokeh (Japanese [boke]) is the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image.

Day 71 Table

triangular side table with blue and yellow ceramic top
triangular side table with blue and yellow ceramic top

This table is actually a matching set of two tables. When they are set together they can either be a square or an even bigger triangle. These tables are one of my better art projects from college. They are made out of red oak and the color of the wood is not stain but just a clear finish. In order to make the legs I first had to make a wooden mold in the shape of the legs. To make the legs strong enough to hold the ceramic top I had to cut thin strips of the wood. The strips of wood were then glued together and clamped in the mold to dry the shape I created. I also made the ceramic tiles for the top and painted them so when the tables are together in a square it would form a solid pattern. To sum it up, Power tools are fun!

Day 70 Macro Monday

Close up of a model of a person with shelves next to him

To be honest I don’t know what this is supposed to be. It is someones class project I saw in the hallway of the Architecture building at Ball State University.

I imaging it has a backstory about how we ruined our planet with pollution and maybe nuclear war. The surface of the Earth is no longer habitable and we have to create a new wold deep below the Earths surface in order to stay warm and survive. At least in this story Artificial Intelligence hasn’t taken over the world and is trying to kill us like in the Matrix or Terminator.

Day 68 Healthy

Shrimp taco with corn salsa and a beer

If you have ever eaten at a Big Woods restaurant then you already know that everything on the menu is delicious. You are looking at a Gochujang BBQ grilled shrimp taco. It has watermelon radish, avocado, sriracha sour cream, Napa cabbage and micro cilantro. On the side is a jalapeno corn salsa and a six foot blond beer by Quaff On. Eating out can be hard to find “healthy” options. I don’t know about the calorie count on this but it sure made my mouth and belly happy.

Day 67 Opposites

Meerkat looking left
Meerkat looking right

Is this to literal for you? First the Meerkat is looking left then he is looking right which happens to be the opposite way.

Day 66 Cereal

Honey Grahams and Raisin Bran cereal on a bowl with the cereal boxes behind

When the first box is empty but not enough to fill the bowl do you eat one cereal then refill it with a second cereal? I went half and half and saved myself the effort of getting up for the rest of a bowl of cereal. Another way of looking at this is you have your fun cereal on the left and your healthy adult cereal on the right.

Day 63 Next to you

orangutan sitting by glass watching people watching him through the glass.

I took a few liberties with this title. The orangutan isn’t next to me because there was to much of a crowd to get up to the glass. What I do find interesting is who is watching whom here? The orangutan is just hanging out not doing much. Does that make us more the more interesting ones behind the glass to watch? What a crazy species to observe………humans that is.

Day 61 Inspiration

Piece of paper, pen and glasses on a desk

Inspiration is a tough one. One reason I am doing a 365 day photo challenge is to help inspire myself. I am sure you have noticed that I am behind on blogging my days. I got stuck due to a lack of inspiration on some of the topics. How do you photograph inspiration when you don’t have any inspiration and that is something you are hoping to find.

Day 60 A Street

A road stretching out far in the distance

The long and winding road

That leads to your door

Will never disappear

I’ve seen that road before

It always leads me here

Lead me to you door


Day 59 Favorite Flower

Purple Hydrangea flower

I had to cheat on this photo since the flowers arn’t up yet. The Hydrangea is one of my favorite flowers. The flower petals all grow in a nice tight ball and is creates a beautiful texture. A neat fact about this flower is if you have one planted you can change the color of the flowers. By making the soil more acidic you will get blue or lavender flowers. Alkaline soil will turn blooms more pink in color. This flower was blue when i bought it but after planting it it changed because of my soil PH.

Day 58 Comfort

Tan dog wrapped up in a blanket

So it is another dog photo I know…….but when it comes to comfort he has it down to an art. Maybe that is why he is always stealing my seat every time I get up.

Day 57 Potato

old potato's that have sprouted and are growing

When potato’s go bad. Mr. Potato Head was tired of being bald and tried to grow hair, he should have went to the hair clinic instead.

Day 56 Macro Monday

Close up of a tongue and it's taste buds

Ever wonder what your taste buds look like? You can stop wondering, they may be tiny but they are sure mighty in the wonderful world of flavor.

Day 55 Golden

a gold ring

My Precious

One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them: J.R.R. Tolkien said it best

Day 54 Your Neighborhood

Light post and tree with street and houses in background

My neighborhood is much like a lot of other neighborhoods you have probably driven through. A nice quiet subdivision with nice quaint (that means small but not tiny) houses that mostly all look the same. Thanks to a lovely housing association there are limited colors you can put on the outside of your house and don’t let your grass grow over 6 inches high. On the upside to that my neighbors can’t paint their house any crazy colors either so it is all fair in the end. Nothing against my neighbors, but there is one house that I feel like if they could it would be a rather vibrant color otherwise.

Day 53 Games

A wall of shelves filled with board games

There is a great game store I venture out to from time to time. In addition to having games to buy they also have tables and a wall of open games you can try out. Being able to try them out before you buy them is such a great idea.

Day 52 Kids

Four baby goats in a barn

Kids, cute little kids. If you didn’t know baby goats are called kids. I lucked out since I have a friend with a farm and lots of little baby goats running around. They are adorable and I even got to feed one.

Day 50 Fresh

fresh brown eggs stacked in a bowl

Farm fresh eggs straight from the chicken’s…………um well, straight from the chicken. They made a delicious omelette for dinner.

Day 47 Date Night

bucket of popcorn on 2 pairs of legs with movie screen in background

What could be more standard for date night then popcorn and a movie. So glad they have comfy reclining assigned seating now.

Day 45 Love

Dog head resting on a lap

There are many forms of love. The love of a parent for their children or children for their parents. Romantic love between a couple of soul mates who were “meant to be”. There is also the unconditional love of a furry best friend who wants to keep your lap warm and maybe get a belly rub in return.

Day 41 What is your idea of Romance?

Close up of light clean button on a dishwasher

When I was a girl in my teens I was lead to believe from movies and TV shows that romance is candle lit dinners with flowers and chocolates. Sipping fancy wine in front of a roaring fire while laying on a fur rug in front of it. Well I’m not in my teens and after being married for 10 years now I can proudly say that romance is the little things that you don’t ask for. Coming home from work and finding a hot dinner waiting for you ready to eat. A clean kitchen with the dishwasher filled and ran already so you have something to eat on or with. True romance is more about respect and appreciation then flowers and candy.

Day 40 Fuzzy

Shelf in store with Vodka bottles, bottle in center is Fuzzy's Vodka

Fuzzy was easy to think of lots of shots I could take. There is a fuzzy dog, fuzzy blanket, fuzzy beard, but this one I found to be perfectly outside the box. Not only is it named Fuzzy’s but if I were to drink enough of it I myself would be all warm and fuzzy.

Day 39 Laugh

close up of mouth laughing

I have heard that laughing is one of the most infectious things……..I would say it is second to yawning unless we want to discuss super bugs that that’s a whole different conversation.

Day 38 Clouds

sunny day clouds
foggy day with 2 trees showing in a white backdrop

Today I decided to make it 2 for the price of one. the top image was taken on a beautiful sunny day while waiting for an eclipse to happen. The bottom image is fog, which is what the entire week has looked like. Today it is raining so there are plenty of clouds but nothing good to see.

Day 36 Year of the Boar

Ceramic white pigs with wings

Year of the boar was difficult. I read up on the zodiac info about it and tried to think outside the box. In the end all I could find was some pigs with wings. It may not be a great subject but I do like the shine on them.

Day 34 Superbowl Sunday, What Did You Do?

hands and a card game on a tabel

Superbowl Sunday, didn’t really care much for who was playing. I had it on in the background and watched a few commercials. Instead we learned how to play a new deck building game. I rather enjoy the deck building games where we work cooperatively against a villain. It is friendlier to not competing against each other that way if we win we both win.

Day 31 A Beautiful Sight

Hoover damn lake and rocks in dark and light brown colors

This is taken at the Hoover damn last March. It is a beautiful sight with the different shades of brown and blue filling the photo. The water level was down a lot since the light rock had been covered with water at one point. The low water level is not a good thing for all people living in a desert but it is a beautiful sight of colors.

Day 30 Oranges

Wire basket full of oranges

Yummy Navel oranges. Here is a question for you why are they called navel oranges? They are to big to fit in a navel (not that I have tried). Since everything is found on the internet these days I decided to look it up. It turns out that they are named for the navel-like spot that is found on the blossom end of the fruit. I might have to check the next one for navel lint before i peal it.

Day 29 Movement

Photo is of a moving pendulum and weight inside a grandfather clock

This photo would have been so much easier to do on my manual camera. I am re-familiarizing myself with my digital camera and finding the right settings in the menu took a while. I guess that is a good reason to know where you put your manual. After multiple tries with F stops and shutter speed combos I finally managed to get a nice blurred pendulum.

Day 28 Macro Monday

Extreme close up of a necklace

If you are unsure of what you are looking at it is a necklace. I love the extreme depth of focus on this photo. It causes most of the image to be out of focus drawing your eye right to the little blue ball. All of the blurry sparkles of light in the background seem to dance around the focal point and make it shimmer.

Day 27 Cold

Image of a TV screen showing weather temperatures for a very cold day.

Yes this is a photo taken of the TV screen, but darn it if that isn’t cold. Thanks global warming for a harsh reminder that it is January and still winter.

Day 26 Friends

Tan Cavalier/Cocker Spaniel laying in bright sun holding a stuffed brown dog toy

Friends are what you make of the. They don’t have to speak the same language, or even be human. Butters is my loyal friend and he is snuggled up with his friend brown dog. I can’t say I know what he named his brown dog because we don’t happen to speak the same language very often.

Day 25 Use Your Imagination

Person wearing a Mardi Gras mask

I imagine a world full of good people and happiness. I imagine a world where no one feels the need to hide their true selves from the world. I imagine a world where we don’t need to judge but rather accept people for their strengths as well as their weakness. I’m not saying that we all have to like one another, i’m saying that we all need to have mutual respect for one another.

Day 24 Frozen

Ice cubes

I feel silly for using ice cubes when it is winter and there must be something frozen outside. I was the frozen item outside trying to find a good shot of something frozen so ice cubes it is.

Day 23 Favorite Pie

two fresh baked pizzas on cutting boards

Peach pie, cherry pie, strawberry pie, strawberry rhubarb pie, apple pie with crust top, apple pie with crumbly top, blueberry pie, sugar cream pie, pecan pie, pumpkin pie, pudding pie, french silk pie, peanut butter pie, veggie pie, chicken pot pie, and pizza pie. I know I have left some out but really for me it is just to hard to choose a favorite. Pie should be its own food group and I like them all.

Day 22 Handwriting

hand written  statement in the front page of a book that says "I have been told I have the handwriting of a serial killer."

I have to admit I myself have problems with the statement as I am sure some of you do as well. I was actually told this by “a friend” but not sure why. What does the handwriting of a serial killer even look like and how would she possibly know? I think the statement would be more entertaining if it were “I have been told I have the handwriting of a CEREAL killer”. I do like a tasty cereal for breakfast so that would be more accurate for me. I have no idea what my handwriting actually says about me except it is sloppy and unrefined. That I am fine with, as I am some what unrefined.

Day 19 Popcorn


Popcorn oh popcorn what a wonderful treat. You can be salty or you can be sweet. I like to feel your special kind of crunch between my teeth. Popcorn oh popcorn you sure are neat.

Day 17 Circles

Wooden circles of different sizes intertwined in a work of art

This is a piece of wooden art that was made in Madrid Spain. To most who will view this it will be just nice intertwined circles. If you happen to be a hard core Doctor Who fan then you will see even close up it is more then just circles. Gallifrey Falls No More!

Day 15 Hat

Wicket ewok stuffed animal wearing a Muttley ball cap sitting in a child's rocking chair

Today Wicket is looking rather stylish in his Muttley ball cap. He is of course is a long time fan of the show. If you are wondering where you can get a Hawaiian shirt like his, it is a hand made one of a kind made in the 1980’s. I guess that makes it vintage now.

Day 14 Cozy

Chair in corner with quilt, book and a side table with antique reading lamp

There is nothing quite like a cozy corner on a quiet night with a warm blanket and a good book. It is the perfect way to relax away the day.

Day 12 Sunrise

black and white of dog sleeping on floor in a sunbeam with toys around him

If you are wondering where the picture of the sunrise is……well keep wondering. Between sleeping in and snow and overcast conditions it wasn’t worth it. I will update as soon as I manage to get a sunrise. In the mean time enjoy a puppy sleeping in the warm morning sunshine.

Day 11 Two Photos B&W/Color

black and white photo of snow on the side of a tree
color photo of snow on the side of a tree

I realize that the difference in these two photos is minimal at first glance. When I start to compare them the black and white one helps to show in the color photo just how many colors there are in the tree bark. There is pink and green tones and even a little yellow spot. The snow may be just white but in the color photo it has a more of a blue hue to it. The black and white photo has great contrast and texture. I love how the world can look so different from black and white to color. It is all a matter of how you choose to see it.

Day 9 Stairs

view of stairs from the bottom looking up

Do you ever look at a set of stairs and wonder where they go? Whats up at the top awaiting me to find? There is only one way to answer that and that is to climb the stairs and see. One……..Two………Three……..Four……….ugh…… there are too many stairs, maybe I will look for an elevator instead.

Day 7 Dreams

Dog laying on couch with a box of Taco Bell kit above his head

Dreams are something we want or desire weather consciously or subconsciously. What do little doggies desire? Speaking strictly for Butters it would be a 10 pack taco kit from taco bell. Ten delicious tacos is what dreams are made of.

Day 6 Dark

Black & White close up of light up washing machine power button and dial in dark room

Dark is the absence of light so how do I photograph dark without light? I would end up with a solid black rectangle. I tried many different lights from a candle to a night light. I ended up liking the look of the washing machine power button and dial in the dark. It has a UFO landing kind of glow to it. It is a good thing I know this is a washing machine or I might have to say that this is actually a weather balloon collecting atmospheric data.

© 2019 - BECKY365