Day 39 Laugh

close up of mouth laughing

I have heard that laughing is one of the most infectious things……..I would say it is second to yawning unless we want to discuss super bugs that that’s a whole different conversation.

Day 25 Use Your Imagination

Person wearing a Mardi Gras mask

I imagine a world full of good people and happiness. I imagine a world where no one feels the need to hide their true selves from the world. I imagine a world where we don’t need to judge but rather accept people for their strengths as well as their weakness. I’m not saying that we all have to like one another, i’m saying that we all need to have mutual respect for one another.

Day 5 Review of Last Year

bury photograph of a girls head moving

I have to start by admitting that I cheated. I did take this photo but I did not take it today. I racked my brain on how do you possibly sum up an entire year in just one photograph. If I had had one big defining moment that involved the whole year like a wedding then that would be easy. It was a year of ups and downs and everything in between and what can possibly convey all that. Since it was a rough year personally I guess i can sum it up with a crazy chaotic shot because life if messy after all and always moving.

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