I decided to look up the origin of the phrase “Get your Goat”. It is something i have heard all my life and knew it meant to annoy or anger someone but how did it start? The expression comes from a tradition in horse racing. The night before a race they would place a goat in the stall with high-stung thoroughbreds. It was believed to have a calming effect on on the horses. If someone wanted a horse to race poorly they would remove the goat to unsettle the horse, hence “got your goat”.
I have to say that goats are wonderful creatures. They have great fun personalities. Spending time in the field with them was rather calming so I can see how the thought of placing them with a racehorse would calm them.
Well if anyone out there is still checking this I am sorry for the long delay between postings. At the end of 2019 work was quite busy and I got lazy. Time can slip away so fast and before you know it I have lost 4 months. I learned that no matter how much I like the idea of a picture every day it is just to structured for me. I ended up caring less when i was trying to hard to take a photo of a specific topic. I have never been good at that even in art school. I tend to be more of a opportunist photographer. My new plan is weekly updates with more effort & thought, stuff I can be proud of.
I stepped on uneven pavement wrong causing me to loose my balance and fall into the road. I bruised my hand up and scraped up my knee pretty good also. I of course see a photo opportunity before covering it up with a bandage.
One foot, Two foot, Red foot, Blue foot………..no wait that’s fish.
MONSTER COOKIE!!! If you don’t know what that is it is everything wonderful. M&M’s, oatmeal, chocolate chips, butterscotch chips…and probably some other stuff but it’s very good.
What we do, think, feel, and create is as much who we are as our face.
Carmel covered apples, looks yummy.
This is a close up of dirty rusted white painted metal lawn furniture.
School Days, School Days…Good old fashioned rule days…..
A pair of hands. That’s right feel the ultimate in drying power!
These noodles are made with black beans instead of flour. That is why they look the way they do, but are a tasty alternative with added protein and other good stuff.
I haven’t see a squirrel that color before, he’s pretty…or she don’t know.
There is no need to call the fashion police. I was grilling in the back yard on a lazy Saturday so no need to dress up.
This “cat” is actually a rabbit. Take a god look at him, I think he look like Garfield the cat. That’s close enough right?
Find a penny, pick it up, then all day you’ll have good luck.
If you drive fast enough it can feel like you’re flying. Until you get pulled over and issued a ticket for flying instead of driving. It looks like I need to clan my car, it sure is dusty.
I used a fish eye lens attached to my phone camera. I like how it distorts the image by curving the edges.
Home made ice cream YUM!
I fell into a burnin’ ring of fire
I went down, down, down
And the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns
The ring of fire, ring of fire
Johnny Cash
Empty beautiful wooden shot glasses. They need to be filled with something.
It looks like my shadow wants to dance! Boy do we need rain, that grass is a crispy brown.
Broken blinds…..looks like I need some new ones. Or I can just close the curtains and then I don’t have to look at them
Have you ever laid on you back on a hot day and just watched the ceiling fan spin. I can be a little hypnotic and peaceful. I shot the two photos the same way except for the light being on or off. I found it neat how much the image changed with that one little detail.
At the local zoo there is a big bubble you can walk in and watch the dolphins swim over your head. It’s beautiful to watch and it is also sad since they arn’t swimming in the big ocean.
These are always fun to look at the year you were born. To see how cheep stuff was, it truly wasz a different time.
I own a tripod but i find them a pain to carry around unless you have something planned for it. Sure they are handy for things that holding a camera steady just won’t work for. I just really like this photo so tripod or not this is my choice.
Upside down mushrooms, so simple and complex at the same time.
A yellow Iris.
This is the entrance to a new ant metropolis. It is a little hard to see but there are ants there hard at work moving grains of dirt.
Indoor s’mores, all you need is an unscented candle, fork and and your ingredients and you can roasty-toasty your marshmallow.
One of these glasses is half empty and one is half full of water. Only the Optimist knows which is half full and only the Pessimist knows which is half empty. I’m gonna let you decide which is which.
After doing some yard work i left a tub out in the rain with rocks, and plant roots. It is interesting textures, i think i prefer it in color.
I can’t say that I have a favorite Mexican food. I guess burritos or tacos or nachos or enchiladas or quesadillas….not no much chimichangas.
No mail today, not even junk mail today.
Sometimes socks can make or break the whole outfit. Socks and sandals is a no no but what about socks and hooves?
Was this truly once a real blueberry? It is so sad looking it brings shame to fresh blueberries everywhere. You need to hang your head in shame little freeze dried blueberry if that is what you really are.
Pa-sgetti…….what? How do you say it?
Are you ready for some wrestling?
Wait that’s not a butterfly? For the sake of getting myself caught up to present day instead of a butterfly you get a cute little bird. I think it is a good trade.
I believe this is Fenton blue hobnail glass and it is shiny clean and so beautiful.
New little baby geese, how cute ans fuzzy they are.
Maybe refreshing isn’t the right word for this. If your not familiar with the Charlton Heston movie “Soylent Green” I suggest you look it up for it’s one famous line in the whole movie. I can’t say I will be trying this drink anytime soon since I know what Soylent green is made from.
I don’t consider this cheating because it says Peaches on it.
The little seat thief strikes again, but who doesn’t enjoy a soft pillow to lay their head on.
Coffee the life blood of the week day.
Happiness is a delicious Taco, even Butters agrees.
I used a watercolor app on this photo to make it look like a watercolor painting.
Well I don’t have a kite, and don’t really know when I will manage to get a photo of a kite. Instead here is a lovely rainbow to brighten your rainy day.
You’ve got one life,
You’ve got one glove,
You’ve got one game,
You’ve got one love,
You’ve got one chance,
You’re just one man,
So play the this game as hard as you can.
Author unknown
How lucky am I, I won a whole $1…..WOO HOO!
What? To literal for you?
If you have ever eaten at a Big Woods restaurant then you already know that everything on the menu is delicious. You are looking at a Gochujang BBQ grilled shrimp taco. It has watermelon radish, avocado, sriracha sour cream, Napa cabbage and micro cilantro. On the side is a jalapeno corn salsa and a six foot blond beer by Quaff On. Eating out can be hard to find “healthy” options. I don’t know about the calorie count on this but it sure made my mouth and belly happy.
There is a great game store I venture out to from time to time. In addition to having games to buy they also have tables and a wall of open games you can try out. Being able to try them out before you buy them is such a great idea.
Kids, cute little kids. If you didn’t know baby goats are called kids. I lucked out since I have a friend with a farm and lots of little baby goats running around. They are adorable and I even got to feed one.
What is a kiss if not unspoken emotion. Sweet, passionate, hot, cold, wet, dry, long, short, connection. Some make them public……to public, and some keep them private. Kisses are more then just romantic love, they are all love. Parents, children, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, friends and sometimes strangers share these little tokens of affection.
Hello Indianapolis.
I imagine a world full of good people and happiness. I imagine a world where no one feels the need to hide their true selves from the world. I imagine a world where we don’t need to judge but rather accept people for their strengths as well as their weakness. I’m not saying that we all have to like one another, i’m saying that we all need to have mutual respect for one another.