3 photos all in black and white showing empty shelves in a grocery store.

On March 11th 2020 the Coronavirus met the standards by the CDC to officially be declared a PANDEMIC. I admit I am a little concerned about catching it since I work a job that is in the health care field and we are not closing our doors. People are depending on us and my job isn’t quite possible to be able to work from home. I like a lot of others out there have to suck it up and do our best to be diligent about taking all the measures we can to not get it. What scares me more then getting the virus is ignorant panic. I’m not going to fault anyone from stocking up a little extra but there is stocking up and there is down right hording. So much for caring for our fellow man/woman and it is everyone for themselves. I was doing alright until I walked up and down all the isles and saw very little left to purchase. My anxiety level has skyrocketed but no panic attack yet. Be safe out there everyone and don’t forget about your humanity.

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